
Diablo 2 steam deck
Diablo 2 steam deck

diablo 2 steam deck

Putting this check in place for thousands of legit customers to stave off whatever level of console piracy there is for this Diablo title is essentially solving the math problem wrong. Again, console piracy is not to be equated with PC gaming piracy. As the post notes, there doesn’t seem to be any real purpose to this. It serves no real purpose and can be removed with hacks. You cannot play Diablo 2 resurrected after 30 days of being offline, one of the first console games to feature check in drm. This was brought to our attention by Twitter user DoesItPlay1, who tweeted that this can be removed with hacks, and servers no real purpose. Here’s an interesting turn of events: it seems that those who own Diablo 2 Resurrected, if you don’t log in (online) at least once in 30 days, you cannot play it offline regardless of platform. Owners of Diablo 2 Resurrected have discovered that it has an online check that makes the game unplayable if the game hasn’t checked in within 30 days, even on consoles. Even for game publishers like Activision Blizzard, which has found itself in the headlines for entirely more significant reasons as of late, DRM was typically only included on PC ports of games, not on the console versions themselves.

diablo 2 steam deck

Piracy of console games isn’t nonexistent, but it isn’t exactly a massively huge problem given the technical know-how needed in order to use pirated games on modern consoles. Microsoft’s plan to have online checks for the Xbox made less sense. If you buy Nintendo, you know what you’re getting.

diablo 2 steam deck

Nintendo wanting online checks is just so on brand so as to be only mildly annoying. For older Xbox consoles and, well, all things Nintendo, this has been a particularly annoying problem. When we’ve talked about any plans to put in online DRM pings when it comes to console gaming, we’ve typically centered that discussion around the console makers themselves. Thu, Jan 20th 2022 08:10pm - Timothy Geigner

Diablo 2 steam deck